A tree for every student

The clearance of forests is a global problem; especially in poor countries it’s essential. In almost every household the stove is fuelled with wood and wood is an often used as construction material. This phenomenon occurs in Tanzania as well. Trees are still cut down without anyone thinking of a sustainable future.

Like this, mangroves disappear in a breathtaking speed near the coast, the trees and forests that provide shadow and that protect the land against erosion. Even in national parks trees are cut down more and more. There’s a slow rethink. But the households have hardly any alternatives, there’s no stable supply of electricity and the demands grows steadily as the population is continuing to grow. An enormous effort will be needed to compensate the ecological and social consequences of the deforestation. We want to do our bit. RAFIKI is planting a tree for every student who is taught at KIUMAKO Secondary School. At the same time we will take this as a reason to include the thought of environmental protection as an integral part of every class. With this mind classes will make “safaris” to national parks and to scenic places, because, and this applies across the whole world: Only those who know nature are sensitized to protect it.

